Via Riccardo Mantero, 3 - 22070 GRANDATE (CO)

Tel: +39 031 564646



Salvadè is a family business founded in 1967, now in the second generation.
The passion for innovation, creativity supported by a strong enthusiasm, but always in the tradition of our fathers, represent fundamental values for Salvadè.
These principles form the basis of our mission: to ensure full customer satisfaction.
The production process is a continuous path of evolution and improvement
In a competitive environment like the one we face today, the use of cutting-edge tools and constant cooperation with our first rank customers are of fundamental importance.
This approach enables us to continuously raise levels of specialization and competence.
The growing need to pay attention to sustainability and respect for the environment has led us to rethink all stages of the production process, making a rigorous and meticulous quality control essential in every step
Staff training and fidelization is another crucial aspect, now more than ever. Thanks to the collaboration and cohesion among the members of the Salvadè team, an ideal environment has been created that promotes our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement of the quality of our products.
In almost sixty years of industrial history, Salvadè has offered a variety of customized solutions for the different needs of a complex sector such it is the textiles one, leading us to concentrate our specializations on three product lines:
• After printing steaming solutions for every type of fabric, printed in any technique and with any class of dyestuff.
• Drying/tumbling solutions, through different combinations of our three machines: AMV, Mach5 and MarFa.
• Fancy Solutions for the production of special finishes oriented to the fashion sector.