Via Campostino, 8 - 59100 PRATO (PO)
Tel: +39 0574 571964
OMMI srl is a 60 years old machine manufacturer based on Prato(Tuscany) textile district.
Production range: – OMMIBLEND™ SPINNING range – from fibre’ bales opening, blending, to carding line’ feeding for woolen/worsted, cotton, synthetic fibres processing for ring and open-end spinning processes – OMMIBLEND™ NONWOVEN range – from fibre’s bale opening to blending up to carding line feeding for needle felt, wadding, spun-lacing, dry-laying, air laying processes – DYEMOVE™ loose fibre bleaching/dyeing and tow dyeing cakes’preparation and post processing cake opening, fibre blending, fine opening machines and plants up to bailing. – RECOLINE™ patented and innovative process for high quality post-consume garments, textile waste (from yarn to fabrics and nownovens) fibers re-opening and re-using into spinning processes and nonwovens processes.Production
- 1.1.3 Bale breakers, bale pluckers
- 1.1.4 Blow room machines
- 1.1.5 Blending machines
- 1.1.6 Foreign fibre/part separators
- 1.1.7 Automatic feeding devices for carding machines
- 1.1.13 Waste reclamation lines, tearers
- 1.1.14 Other preparatory machinery for cotton spinning systems
- 1.2.2 Opening lines for raw wool
- 1.2.5 Opening, cleaning and blending lines
- 1.2.6 Waste reclamation lines, tearers
- 1.2.7 Auto-feeders
- 1.2.16 Other preparatory machinery for worsted, semi-worsted and woollen spinning systems
- 1.3.1 Opening, cleaning and blending machines
- 1.3.2 Auto-feeders
- 1.5.12 Other machinery for the production of man-made filaments and fibres and for filament treatment
- 1.8.6 Additional devices (e.g. humidifying, waxing, oiling)
- 1.8.12 Other auxiliary machinery and devices for spinning preparation and spinning and man-made fibre production
- 1.9.4 Spiked lattices, lags
- 3.1.1 Bale breakers, bale pluckers
- 3.1.2 Opening, cleaning, blending and dosing machines
- 3.1.3 Feeding devices
- 3.1.6 Machines for aerodynamic web formation
- 3.1.10 Other machinery for web formation
- 3.3.6 Other auxiliary machinery for web formation, bonding and finishing of nonwovens and felting
- 11.1 Devices for sample preparation
- 13.1.3 Re-granulating equipment for tapes, fibres and nonwoven production waste