Via Busto Arsizio, 120 - 21015 LONATE POZZOLO (VA)

Tel: +39 0331 302994

E-mail: ferraro@ferraro.it

Web: www.ferraro.it

Since 1951 world leader in the production of finishing equipment for woven and knitted fabrics open and tubular, compactors unit, sanforizing lines, calenders and open width de-oiling and scouring units.
Always focused on innovation, we have introduced a number of new models such as FerrSonic, the scouring and oil removal unit which utilizes customized ultrasound technology, specifically designed for continuous washing process such as scouring, that boosts the cleaning power of the water in the washing treatment, achieving an amazing reduction of chemicals used (up to 65%!) and up to 30% to 50% less water with a shorter washing time. Or again, like the innovative Vacuum Self-Cleaning Strainer (SCS), a new advance technology continuous filtering system capable to clean the whole batch of the washing tank every single minute, equipped also with a special compact oil separator device to drain out all the removed impurities.
Machines designed and built to last, where innovation and energy efficiency have always been our main lines of development.